The Legend of Icarus

The Legend of Icarus

The pain of exceeding your Golden Ration

Greek mythology can teach us a lot of lessons that apply to modern day life. Today in particular, we're connecting the dots between the best football players in the world, and the legend of Icarus and his father Daedalus.


It begins in Athens, thousands of years ago. Daedalus was a talent unlike any seen before. He was a sculptor, a creator and an inventor.


He wasn't just a skilled artist, he is credited, in mythological terms with being the inventor of carpentry. He was a "Renaissance Man" before that was even a thing!

But there was a dark side to his talent. Although seemingly unrivaled in skill, Daedalus feared competition. His sister believed her son could be a talent just like Daedalus and asked him to teach her boy everything he knew.

Daedalus did just that, but he quickly realized his nephew, Talos, was smart, witty and could someday outshine and out-shadow him. So to get rid of the threat of competition, Daedalus threw Talos off the Acropolis! 


Luckily the goddess Athena saved Talos by transforming him into a bird. But those actions set into motion the end of the life Daedalus knew. He was banished from Athens and sent to the court of King Minos, on the island of Crete.


There, Daedalus got a second chance. King Minos had a mighty navy fleet and ruled the seas, with Daedalus by his side, sharing his talents. In this time, Daedalus also become a father. His son was named Icarus.


Daedalus and his son Icarus could have lived in peace forever, until one day when the King’s wife asked him for help doing the unthinkable. She asked Daedalus to help her mate with a bull! Daedalus obliged and carved a cow out of wood, which ultimately led to the birth of what we all know as a "Minotaur!" Half man, half bull.

Daedalus hated what life had become on the island and wanted to go back to Athens, but the King wouldn't allow it. So he imprisoned Daedalus and his son Icarus.

But, the pair were determined to escape. They knew the king controlled the land and the seas, but the skies were free. So Daedalus did what he did best and created their way out. He created wings for he and his son to fly free.

He studied birds and how they flew, then crafted wings to mimic their movements. He used beeswax and thread to hold the feathers together. While the father was creating, the son spent his time admiring and playing with the wings. 

As the legends goes, this is the point where we learn what the golden ratio is.

Daedalus instructed his son on how to use their new winged devices safely. He warned: “take the middle way. If you fly too low, the moisture will weigh your wings down. If you fly too high, the sun will scorch the wings and melt the wax. You need to travel between the extremes”.

Daedalus and Icarus flew and left Crete. They were out of prison, out of reach of King Minos, but not yet safe. During their flight, Icarus turned arrogant and felt the urge to fly towards the heavens, as close to the sun as he could. 

He ignored his father's warnings and flew higher and higher. And just as Daedalus predicted, the sun melted the wax, Icarus' wings dissolved and he plunged into he sea below.

But what in Greek mythology does this story have to do with professional athletes NFL players???

It's all about leaving the limits imposed on you, creatively improving your life and flying between the extremes. 

So let's apply this to the real world. We can interpret Daedalus' warning to avoid being too aggressive  while also preventing ourselves from becoming complacent with no ambitions at all!

Icarus was instructed to find the middle  way, the golden ratio. But he just couldn't do it. His arrogance led to his demise. On the other hand, for some people, maybe their lack of confidence and self esteem prevents them from living a fulfilled life.

Our world is becoming increasingly more difficult to fly between the extremes and find that golden ratio. 

 As some of the best athletes in the world, there's no doubt that you don't lack talent, motivation, ambition or determination. But just because you're at the top of your game, doesn't mean everything will be perfect. 

You can't determine your way out of an injury. Or motivate your way back onto the field if you've been benched. You have to find YOUR golden ratio, to pursue being your best without burning out, or under performing. And that's where our approach is unique in helping your performance and career longevity.

There’s a good chance everything you’ve learned throughout your football career has NOT been about longevity or this golden ratio. You’ve likely been taught to go hard, give 110% every time you cross the white lines. The same goes for practice. Give it everything you’ve got, every day, rain or shine.

This likely includes how you live your life outside the stadium. How you take care of your body with specific food, calculated rest, phytonutrient modulation, in game treatment and the optimal care. These seemingly small specific changes in what you eat, think, do and how your brain works will determine how completely you recover, your success on the field and how long you can compete at your optimal capability!

Think about it: have you really been getting target specific recovery care? Have you been caring for your body to maximize your talents on the field? Do you know what your hormones levels, hydration level, cortisol level or oxygen levels are at kickoff? AND can you modify these substances in real time during the game?

We can and do exactly that! Yes! Real time during the game!

I am here to help you achieve that. By committing to treating your body with the utmost and PROPER care, I will help you maximize your potential, while keeping your body safe and in tune, so that your career will last longer.

In our next video I will discuss the Icarus Phenomenon in professional sports and the Recovery Matrix that we have developed over the past forty (40) years.

Our Videos

Icarus Phenomenon In Sports

Pre-Covery Matrix

PreSeason Pre-Hab

In Season Pro-Hab

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